Thursday, February 26, 2015

Student Success Statement
“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today.”
~James Freeman Clark
I agree with James Freeman Clark’s quote because it is true what you do right and wrong now and until the last minute it can determine your eternity. If you plan out a strategy to do something wrong and get away with it but then get caught it will affect your eternity. What if it had to do with something bad in school, they catch you and then it goes on your school record and when you apply for college they won’t accept you since what you did in school is recorded on your school record so what you did wrong affected you for eternity.

Game Designer

Research: Look for and provide the following:

Duties and Responsibilities: Game designers work with a team to design and develop video and computer games. Some of the duties they have are designing characters, levels, puzzles, art and animation. They may also write code, using various computer programming languages. They may also be responsible for project management tasks and testing early versions of video games.

Salary:  $62,500- $74,280

Education: To become a game designer you must have a bachelor's degree in game design, computer engineering, or computer science which takes four to five years to complete and courses in a game design degree program may include project management, integrated video design and technology, game prototyping and level design.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I would like to be one just to create a special game that would be a great hit to this century. It seems really cool since you can design a game for everyone in your way to express yourself. It would be also nice to play it yourself and enjoy what you can create with one single click.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Student Success Statement
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
~Charles Ketterer

I agree with Charles Ketterer because it is true you’re the one that can only predict your future. If you follow someone else’s path like doing drugs and not doing good in life then your prediction for your future might not be good at all. If you follow your own path and do what’s right then you can see your prediction of your future.  
“Bless You”
Whenever someone sneezes, you say “Bless you” or hear someone else say these words.
Why? Why are these words spoken?
These words are spoken in many ways and in many meanings for example, back in the medieval times, when you sneezed, it was believed that for that split second, your soul left your body. Being soul-less, that would allow the devil to enter your body and take over. So, people said "Bless You" as a way to prevent the devil from entering your body as the soul left. In other part of the world they thought that your heart stops for a second, so that your life become one second more or your death will be late by one second, so people say "bless you" as a thanks to the GOD for extending their life to the split of a second.
When? When did this saying originate?
This saying probably originated thousands of years ago but no one really knows like when the Great Plague in England started in 1665.
How? How did this saying originate?
There are many reasons how it originated but it all depends on the religion and place one says it at like in England they say when someone sneezes it reminds them part of the magic of the bubonic plague. When you started sneezing you were infected and were going to get sicker and die. So they were just trying to save you by heaping God's blessings on you!
Where? Where did this saying originate?

Some people say it was originated from German or from Rome but no one really knows.

Friday, February 20, 2015

What would you do?

Today in class we saw this amazing video on a lady named Rachel Castillo, she did an amazing thing that she never thought to be questioned. Rachel Castillo works on the Miami Beach Golf Course when one day these people told her that there was a lost bag on a bench so she went to go look at it. When she got to the bag, the bag was filled with money…no not just 36 dollars but 36,000 dollars was in the bag with an ID. Without her thinking she knew what to do, she call the police to find the person that the money belonged to and returned it back. She was not rewarded for what she did but she said that even if she did not get a reward she will be rewarded in the future. She said “ I believe in the Bible, I’m Christian, and the Bible says, ‘Do not Steal, do not lie.”