Thursday, February 26, 2015

Game Designer

Research: Look for and provide the following:

Duties and Responsibilities: Game designers work with a team to design and develop video and computer games. Some of the duties they have are designing characters, levels, puzzles, art and animation. They may also write code, using various computer programming languages. They may also be responsible for project management tasks and testing early versions of video games.

Salary:  $62,500- $74,280

Education: To become a game designer you must have a bachelor's degree in game design, computer engineering, or computer science which takes four to five years to complete and courses in a game design degree program may include project management, integrated video design and technology, game prototyping and level design.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I would like to be one just to create a special game that would be a great hit to this century. It seems really cool since you can design a game for everyone in your way to express yourself. It would be also nice to play it yourself and enjoy what you can create with one single click.

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